Flask Extensions

What they are and how do you install Flask Extension?

This article covers some important extensions for Flask. They are relatively easy to use. Read on, let’s check them out together.

Why Flask Extension?

It is general knowledge that Flasks are micro-web models owing to the fact that their major operations solely entail Werkzueg based WSGI, routing, and jinja2-based template engine.

It endorses front-end characteristics like static files and JSON. It also endorses sessions and cookies.

The flask Extensions come in handy in this regard. Using the Flask model you can execute so many more tasks with the Flask-Extensions.

Related course: Create Web Apps with Python Flask

Flask extensions

There are quite a number of available Flash Extensions. The frequently used Flask-Extension will be discussed here.

Few crucial Flask Extensions

Extensions Usefulness
Flask-sijax Sijax is a library of python/jQuery that makes using AJAX on web applications relatively easy. Flask-sijax adds sijax to the flask applications.
Flask-login For flash web applications, it offers user validation functionality
Flask SQLAlchemy This particular extension is quite unique in that it offers an exemplar kind of interface, to conveniently interact with the tables on a database.
Flask-mail These Extensions offer an SMTP interface for flask applications to interact via emails, you can send and receive emails to users/clients.
Flask-WTF The Flask-WTF is a special extension that offers an optional way for designing forms in flask web applications. When you use WTF extensions, the form data sent by users can be authenticated and secured.
Flask-Debugtoolbar This extension is unique in its own right. It offers a potent toolbar for debugging which is basically designed to debug flask applications.

Install Flask Extensions

All of these extensions are modules of Python which broadens the practicalities of Flask application. Therefore, you can easily install them in a similar vein to the python library using the pip utility.

The structure you will use to install a Flask-Extension flask-foo is:

pip install flask-foo
#pip install flask-Sqlalchemy
#pip install flask-wtf
#pip install flask-mail
#pip install flask-login
#pip install flask-debugtoolbar
#pip install flask-sijax

Importing is also similar and easy just like it is with importing a python library

from flask_foo import ...

Using a higher version of a flask, any version higher than the 0.7, you can import using flash. ext. The structure is:

from flask.ext import foo #sqlalchemy, login .....

If your compatibility module is not on, you tend to get errors. To activate the compatibility module, you can use this code:

import flaskext_compat
from flask.ext import foo

The moment you activate it, just like the former way you can also use a flask. ext.


There you go, this is the last piece of the articles in the flask Tutorial series. Enjoy Coding.

Related course: Create Web Apps with Python Flask