Python pass statement keyword

Pass statements do nothing, they are placeholders. The pass statements does not perform any operation

So why pass statements?

Python requires indenting for functions, so to have an empty function the pass statement is required.

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Why do we need pass statement?

When you are writing a program and the implementation part of the idea is not finished, then you can use the pass statement to occupy the place.

(it can be used as a marker, is to be completed later code).

For example, the following:

def play_python():

Define a function play_python(), but the body part of the function is not finished yet. It cannot be left empty without writing content, so pass can be used instead of taking a place.

An empty function is not allowed, because Python expects indention, so there pass can be inserted.

If you try to write a function that doesn't have indention, it'll throw an indention error.

>>> def f(x):
  File "<stdin>", line 2

IndentationError: expected an indented block

Pass statements in the loop

Pass is also often used to write an empty body for a loop. Say you want an infinite loop of a while statement, with no operation required for each iteration, you could write it like this

while True:

python pass statement keyword

Pass statement comparison

Take the if statement, for example, in C or C++/java:.

;//do nothing
//do something

The equivalent for python would be this.

if True:
    pass #do nothing
    pass #do something

Can we have multiple pass statements in a function?

Yes you can (see the example above).

You can also have a pass statements like this:

def f(x):

Why is this allowed?

Because pass does not terminate the function, it's just required because Python's syntax needs indention.

Why do we need pass statement?

To summarize:

  • Python pass statement is required when creating an empty function or empty code lbock

  • The primary reason for using the pass statement is when you want to write the code later on

  • The pass statement does not do anything, it's just a place holder