Tkinter scale

Select a value in range

A tkinter scale lets you select between a range of values. In this article you will learn how to use the tkinter scale with Python

This article is written for Python 3.x or newer, if you use an older version of Python you should switch to a newer version. For more examples follow this link.

Related course: Python Desktop Apps with Tkinter

tkinter scale

To create a scale, use tkinter widget tk.Scale(master, options). Where the parameter master is the parent window. Options are optional options.

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()
window.title('my window')

l = tk.Label(window, bg='yellow', width=20, text='empty')

def print_selection(v):
    l.config(text='you have selected ' + v)

s = tk.Scale(window, label='try me', from_=5, to=11, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,
             length=200, showvalue=0, tickinterval=2, resolution=0.01, command=print_selection)



tkinter scale python


Create Windows with the lines below:

window = tk.Tk()
window.title('my window')

Create a display label, a tk.Label. As text parameter it takes a tk.StringVar().

var1 = tk.StringVar()
l = tk.Label(window, bg='yellow', width=4, textvariable=var1)

Refresh window cyclically

window.mainloop() # Keep refreshing the main window.

display function

def print_selection(v):
    l.config(text='you have selected ' + v)

Show Scale Control

# Note.
# The length is not the width of the character but the width of the pixel.
# showvalue Indicates if the current number is displayed above the horizontal axis, 0 means no display, 1 means display.
# tickinterval tag's unit length 5-7-9-11
# resolution means precision, 0.01 means two decimal places are reserved.
# command indicates the function called, the default value is the value labeled with scale.

s = tk.Scale(window, label='try me', from_= 5, to=11, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,
             length=200, showvalue=0, tickinterval=2, resolution=0.01, command=print_selection)